
8 Jul 2015

How To Perform Umrah

1. At the point when the person who needs to perform 'Umrah touches base at the Meeqaat, it is suggested for him (both man and lady) to clean up if helpful, including discharging ladies and those encountering postnatal dying. The man fragrances his head and facial hair however not his Ihraam articles of clothing. There is no damage in what stays of it after Ihraam. There is nothing incorrectly in the event that it is unrealistic to scrub down at Meeqaat. 

2. Men are to change into their apparel of Ihraam while the ladies just need to make their aim around then in the garments they are as of now wearing. There is no particular dress assigned for ladies, with the exception of that they are denied from wearing the Niqaab (face-cover) and gloves. Rather, they may cover their hands with the lower piece of their khimaar (head covering), while utilizing the upper piece of their jilbaab (external article of clothing) or a different bit of fabric to cover their appearances by drawing it down, if there is have to do as such. 

With respect to men, they must expect their Ihraam at the Meeqaat by wearing two bits of fabric called the Izaar and the Ridaa'. The Ridaa' covers the top 50% of the body, while the Izaar covers the lower half. No other dress is permitted to be worn notwithstanding these – no clothing, no jeans, no shirt, no turban, no cap, and so on are to be worn. 

At that point the traveler makes the aim at the Meeqaat to start the rituals of 'Umrah by entering the condition of Ihraam. The aim must be made in the heart, while the announcement made a short time later is: "Labayka 'Umrah" or "Allahumma labbayka 'Umrah". This announcement starts the rituals of `Umrah. So the first mainstay of `Umrah is the Ihraam. The expectation is made in the heart, while the tongue presents the opening Talbiyyah. What's more, on the off chance that you wish, when expressing Talbiyyah, you may express a condition to Allah expecting what may keep you from finish of the 'Umrah whether ailment or apprehension - saying "in habasanee haabes fa mahillee haithu habastanee" (I leave the condition of Ihraam from the spot You keep me from proceeding). So on the off chance that you do that and are then counteracted or turn out to be sick - then you may leave Ihraam. At that point rehash the Talbiyyah: "labbayk Allahumma labbayk, labbayka laa shareeka laka labbayk, innal-hamda wan-ni'mata laka wal-mulk, laa shareeka lak" ("in light of your call O Allah I perform 'Umrah, here I am O Allah. In light of Your call. You have no accomplice. In light of Your call. All Acclaim and Favors, and the Responsibility for that You made is Yours (alone). You have no accomplice") 

After touching base at the consecrated mosque in Makkah (Al-Masjid Al-Haraam), you ought to enter with your right foot and say: "Bismillaah, Allahumma Salli 'Alaa Muhammad, Allahumma Ighfirli waftahli Abwaaba Rahmatik. (For the sake of Allah! O Allah! Magnify the notice of your Flag-bearer. O Allah! Forget my transgressions, and open the entryways of Your benevolence for me)." You ought to enter in a way communicating quietude and appreciation to the gifts He, All-powerful, gave upon you. 

3. After landing at the Ka'bah, quit discussing the Talbiyyah, then approach the Dark Stone, touch it with your right hand and kiss it. On the off chance that this isn't conceivable, you ought to confront the Dark Stone and point to it. Try not to push and push, bringing about damage and being hurt by other individuals. At the point when touching the Stone, the accompanying is said: "Bismil-laah, Allahu Akbar" (for the sake of Allah, Allah is the Best) or "Allahu Akbar" (Allah is the Best). 

An explorer must walk, keeping the Ka'bah to his left side. When you achieve the Yamaani corner touch it with your right hand, if conceivable, however don't kiss it, and say: "Bismil-laahi wa Allahu Akbar". In the event that this is troublesome for you, then continue performing tawaaf without touching it, indicating at it or notwithstanding saying "Allaahu Akbar" in light of the fact that this was not described from the Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( might Allaah magnify his notice ) then again at whatever point you reach or are parallel the dark stone, touch it with your right hand, kiss it and say, "Bismillaah Allahu Akbar", in the event that it is impractical then it is sufficient to point at it and say, "Bismillaah, Allahu Akbar.
please read the given image with full detail.