
11 Jul 2015

Joining Congregational Salah After It Has Started

A man who can't join the imam in the first rakat is called masbuq. (Late Comer) He joins the imam at any rate. He peruses just at-tahiyyat in the last sitting and keeps quiet. He doesn't read salawat and different supplications. He can read tashahhud gradually till the imam finishes the request to God. At the point when the imam offers welcome to the right side, he doesn't; he sits tight for the imam to offer greeting to one side as well. After the imam offers greeting to one side, he stands up and finishes the rakat(s) he has missed. 
A man who joins the imam in the second rakat, stands up by saying Allahu Akbar after the greetings of the imam. He peruses Subhanaka, al-Fatiha, and a few verses from the Quran; then he sits subsequent to performing the ruku and sajdahs. He peruses tahiyyat, salawat and different supplications and gives welcome.

A man who joins the imam in the third rakat, performs two more rakats when he stands up by perusing al-Fatiha, and a few verses from the Quran. 

On the off chance that a man joins the imam in the fourth rakat, he stands up after the welcome of the imam and peruses al-Fatiha and a few verses from the Quran performing one rakat and sits. Subsequent to perusing tahiyyat, he stands up and performs two more rakats. What one ought to note here is to perform the first and second rakats in which al-Fatiha and a few verses from the Quran are read first while begging alone in light of the fact that he has joined the imam in the fourth rakat in which just al-Fatiha is read. Two rakats with al-Fatiha and a few verses from the Quran and one rakat with just al-fatiha remain. Hence, after the welcome of the imam, he ought to peruse, al-Fatiha and a few verses from the Quran in the initial two of the staying three rakats and just al-Fatiha in the last rakat. 

To have more data, please read the article given underneath; 


Masbuq is a man who has not made up for lost time with the imam in the first rakat and jonied the congregational supplication to God after the first rakat. A man who makes up for lost time with the imam after the first rakat and joins the petition to God before the imam gives the first welcome is respected to have made up for lost time with the request to God and he gets to be liable to the declarations of masbuq. Along these lines, masbuq is a man who joins the assemblage in the second rakat or tashahhud of a two-rakat player, in the second, third, fourth rakat or in the last tashahhud of a four-rakat supplication to God, in the second, third rakat or the last tashahhud of a three-rakat petition to God. 

The accompanying declarations are connected about masbuq: 
In the event that Masbuq joins the assemblage in a rakat when the Quran is presented so anyone might hear, he doesn't read "Subhanaka"; he says Allahuakbar and keeps noiseless. In the last tashahhud with the imam, he peruses just "at-Tahiyyat"; when the imam gives the greetings, he stands up and read al-Fatiha and a few verses from the Quran in the wake of perusing audhu-basmala and finishes the remaining rakats. On the off chance that he joins the assemblage when the imam is in the ruku or sajdah, he checks the circumstance. On the off chance that he conceives that he can join some piece of the ruku and sajdah when he peruses "Subhanaka", he understands it standing. Else, he joins the assembly and does not read "Subhanaka". On the off chance that he joins the assembly in tahiyyat, he doesn't read "Subhanaka"; he discusses takbir iftitah and sits (al-Fatawal-Hindiyya, Beirut 1400/1980, I, 90, 91). 

Subsequent to sitting the length of tashahhud in the last sitting, Masbuq can stand up without sitting tight for the welcome of the imam in the accompanying circumstances: 

an) If Masbuq is concerned about the fact that the time of his squash will end. 

b) If Masbuq has a "reason" and in the event that he is sorry to say the time for petition to God will end. 

c) In the event that he is sorry to say the season of asr (evening) petition to God will begin in the request to God of Friday. 

d) In the event that he is sorry to say the time for twelve petition to God will begin in the eid request to God or the sun will ascend in fajr (morning) supplication to God. 

e) In the event that he conceives that his wudu will be invalid, he ought to sit tight for neither the welcome of the imam nor sajdah sahw (surrender of absent mindedness). 

f) If Masbuq imagines that individuals will stroll before him while he is imploring, he can stand up after tashahhud. 

On the off chance that he stands up without a reason or reason after tashahhud, his petition to God is legitimate. Nonetheless, it is tahriman makrooh (entirely evil). It is not passable to stand up without sitting the length of tashahhud. In the event that Masbuq finishes his petition to God before the welcome of the imam and takes after the imam in greeting, it is conceivable and admissible. (al-Fatawal-Hindiyya, I, 91). 

We can clarify the circumstances that individuals who join the imam after the first rakat will face while finishing the missing rakat as per the qualities of petitions to God as takes after. 

1) A man who joins the imam in the second rakat of the morning supplication to God discusses takbir and keeps quiet. He presents tahiyyat in the last sitting and stands up when the imam gives welcome; he begins performing the rakat that he has missed. In the wake of perusing Subhanaka, he recounts audhu basmala, al-Fatiha and a few verses from the Quran. After the ruku and sajdahs, he sits and peruses at-tahiyyat, salawat and rabbana atina; then he gives greetings. 

2) If Masbuq joins the imam in the last rakat of the night request to God, he peruses Subhanaka and performs that rakat with the imam and sits in the tashahhud; then, he stands up and recounts audhu basmala, al-Fatiha and a few verses from the Quran. He sits after the ruku and sajdahs and peruses just at-tahiyyat. At that point he says Allahu Akbar and holds up. He peruses basmala, al-Fatiha and a few verses from the Quran and performs the ruku and sajdahs; then he performs the last sitting and gives greetings, completing the supplication to God. In this manner, he performs tashahhud three times. Nonetheless, if Masbuq overlooks and does not sit after the second rakat, sajdah sahw is redundant for him in light of the fact that that rakat is viewed as his first rakat. 

3) If Masbuq joins the imam in the fourth rakat of a four-rakat supplication to God, he stands up in the wake of sitting for tashahhud with the imam. He peruses audhu basmala, al-Fatiha and a few verses from the Quran. He sits after the ruku and sajdahs and peruses just at-tahiyyat. At that point he stands up and peruses basmala, al-Fatiha and a few verses from the Quran and performs the ruku and sajdahs. He stands up without sitting and performs one more rakat perusing just basmala and al-Fatiha and sits. He peruses at-tahiyyat, salawat and rabbana atina; then he gives welcome. 

4) If Masbuq joins the imam in the third rakat of a four-rakat petition to God, he peruses just at-tahiyyat in the last sitting and holds up. He peruses subhanaka, audhu basmala, al-Fatiha and a few verses from the Quran and performs the ruku and sajdahs; then, he stands up, peruses basmala, al-Fatiha and a few verses from the Quran and performs the ruku and sajdahs; He sits and peruses at-tahiyyat, salawat and rabbana atina; then he gives greetings, completing his request to God. 

5) If Masbuq joins the imam in the second rakat of a four-rakat petition to God, it implies he has performed three rakats with the imam; after tasahhud, he stands up and peruses subhanaka, audhu basmala, al-Fatiha and a few verses from the Quran and performs the ruku and sajdahs. At that point he performs the last tashahhud and finishes his request to God with greeting. 

6) A man who joins the imam when he is in the ruku, he is respected to have made up for lost time with that rakat. In any case, if a man who joins the imam when he is in sajdah, he is respected to have missed that rakat. Along these lines, he needs to finish that rakat as per the portrayals above. 

7) It is not passable for Masbuq to join another imam for the rakat(s) he has missed; it is not allowable for another person to join Masbuq in the rakat(s) he has missed. Masbuq is not viewed as asking alone with respect to the issue. In any case, if Masbuq overlooks what number of rakats he has missed, he can think seriously about the condition of another Masbuq; his petition to God is not respected invalid in the event that he does as such. 

8) If Masbuq discusses takbir iftitah with the goal of performing the petition to God once more, his past supplication to God with the past takbir gets to be invalid. A man who begs alone, is not care for that; unless he plans to perform another petition to God, another takbir for the same supplication to God does not discredit his request to God on the grounds that both supplications to God are the same in examination to the one asking alone. Concerning masbuq, he is separated from everyone else in his viewpoint; he doesn't have the same circumstance as far as joining the imam. 

9) As indicated by Abu Hanifa, Masbuq recounts the tashrik takbirs together with the imam and afterward stands up and finishes the missing rakat(s) in the request to God of eid al-Adha. As indicated by Abu Hanifa, a man imploring alone does not need to perform those takbirs. In this way, Masbuq is not viewed as a man supplicating alone but rather as a man who has joined the imam with respect to the issue. 

10) If Masbuq completes tahiyyat before the imam gives welcome, as indicated by a perspective, he peruses kalima shahada once more; as per another perspective, he keeps quiet. What is the sound perspective is that Masbuq ought to peruse tahiyyat gradually. A man who gets done with perusing tahiyyat before the imam ought to keep quiet. 

11) If imam supports the fifth rakat by misstep and if Masbuq remains strong with him, it is checked whether the imam has sat after the fourth rakat or not; if the imam has sat, the petition to God of Masbuq gets to be invalid when the imam stands up; on the off chance that he has not sat, the supplication to God of Masbuq does not get to be invalid until the imam goes to sajdah for the fifth rakat.
12) It is feasible for Masbuq to wind up additionally Lahiq (a man who joins the imam toward the start of the request to God however then needs to leave the supplication to God). In the event that a man who joins the imam after the first rakat misses a mainstay of the petition to God or a rakat or rakats because of rest or the breaking of wudu, he gets to be both Masbuq and Lahiq. At that point, he finishes the rakats that he has missed without perusing and joins the imam if workable for whatever is left of the supplication to God; then, he performs the rakat(s) that he has missed before joining the imam by perusing. It is reasonable for him to perform the rakat(s) that he has missed before joining the imam first and perform the ones that he has missed in the wake of joining the imam later. On the other hand, then, he is respected to have submitted a wrongdoing by not watching the honest to goodness request. 

All in all, the point of the announcements about Masbuq and Lahiq is to urge Muslims to perform supplications to God in assemblage and to give accommodation to the individuals who have missed the start of the request to God or the individuals who have not possessed the capacity to perform the entire petition to God with the imam. Supplication to God in gathering is essential in Islam and it has been expressed that imploring fard in assemblage is twenty-seven times a greater number of righteous than begging only it. (For masbuq see Molla Khusraw, Durarul-Hukkam, Istanbul 1307, I, 92 et al.; al-Fatawal-Hindiyya, Beirut 1400/1980, I, 90 et al.; Ibnul-Humam, Fathul-Qadir, Egypt 1389/1970, I, 377 et al.; Ö. Nasuhi Bilmen, Büyük Islâm Ilmihali, Istanbul 1985, s. 186 vd.