
9 Jul 2015

Ramadhan 30 Days 30 Duas

A year has gone since last Ramadan. It was a year loaded with satisfaction, fervor, distress, sorrow, uneasiness – a variety of feelings made by the various arrangement of occasions that happen in our lives. We warmly welcome each Ramadan as it is a period to escape from the distraction of dunya to concentrate on ourselves and our iman. Whilst we all work on our love and confidence as the year progressed, Ramadan is a month that offers the chance to harvest piles of prize, take a shot at our character and also add to a profound association with Allah subḥānahu wa ta'āla (celebrated and lifted up be He). 

A standout amongst the most liberal favors of the month of Ramadan is the chance of having our dua (supplications) acknowledged. A year ago, we shared thoughts on posting down some amazing duas for a wonderful year, giving you a magnificent worksheet (which you can download and print) to help you appropriately arrange your duas for your deen, dunya, akhirah. 
Keep in mind the force of dua.
It was narrated that the Prophet ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) said:
"There are three whose supplication is not dismisses: The fasting individual when he breaks his quick, the simply pioneer, and the supplication of the persecuted individual; Allah raises it up over the mists and opens the entryways of paradise to it. Also, the Ruler says: 'By My strength, I might definitely help you, regardless of the possibility that it ought to be before long.'" [Jami` at-Tirmidhi].