
11 Jul 2015

The First Four Khalifahs (Caliphate) Of Islam

As a successor of the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), a Khalifah (Radi Allahu anha) was the leader of the Muslim group and his essential obligation was to proceed with the way indicated by the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). He would be a unimportant ruler and not sovereign, as sway has a place with Allah (Subhaanahu wa Ta'ala) alone. 
Abu Bakr As-Siddiq (Rd) 44(8th June 632 - 23 August 634 A.D.) 
Abu Bakr (Rd) known as Abd-Allah ibn Abu-Qahafa however given the name Abd-al-Kaa'bah (Worker of the Kaa'bah) during childbirth. He was conceived in Makkah in 573 C.E. in the Banu Taym branch of the Quraysh tribe. Abu Bakr (Rd) was the child of Uthman Abu Qahafa and Salma (known as Umm-ul-Khair, Mother of the Great).
He was a vendor in terms of professional career and the first among the Sahaabah (Rd) (allies) to acknowledge Islam. Abu Bakr (Rd) went with the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) amid the Hijrah (movement) to Madinah. Abu Bakr (Rd) cherished his confidence more than whatever else. He was a nearby companion & buddy of the Prophet (SAW) since adolescence, and was close by through the troublesome early years of Islam. He was given the title Buddy of the Hole. He liberated numerous slaves, including Hazrat Bilal (Rd) (a dull cleaned Ethiopian slave who went ahead to turn into a nearby friend of the Prophet (SAW). One of the numerous commitments of Abu Bakr (Rd) was the gathering and arrangement of the Blessed Qur'aan. He carried on an extremely straightforward, devout and upright life. Abu Bakr (Rd) was a genuine hireling of Allah (SWT) (God) and a careful devotee of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). His girl 'Aisha (Rd) was the honored wife of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) His Caliphate went on for 27 months. On Monday 23 August 634 Promotion. Abu Bakr As-Siddique (Rd) kicked the bucket in Madinah and was covered by the side of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). 

Umar ibn AI-Khattaab (Rd) (23rd Aug 634-seventh Nov 644 A.D.) 

Umar (Rd) was the child of Khattaab. He is broadly referred to in Islamic history as Al-Farooq (the Distinguisher in the middle of Good and bad) and the first Caliph to be called Amir al-Mu'mineen (Authority of the Steadfast). He was very much regarded for his equity and earned the title Daarul Adaal (place of equity). His acknowledgment of Islam is likewise extremely well known. An extraordinary supplication to God of the Prophet (SAW) was acknowledged which prompted Umar (Rd) tolerating the Islamic confidence. Umar (Rd) was an extremely overcome and straight-forward individual. He was intense and uncompromising in Islamic standards. He was an awesome and skilled ruler. Amid his Khilaafah (organization), immeasurable regions of the Roman & Persian realms and the entire of Egypt acknowledged Islamic principle. He was a talented speaker. Effortlessness & commitment were some of his fundamental qualities. Umar (Rd) used to wear straightforward garments, incorporating ones with had numerous patches but then got governors, escorts and ambassadors. He set up Populace Evaluation and the first Islamic Lunar logbook – starting from the Hijrah (relocation to Madinah). Additionally, he built up shelters, welfare homes and had streets & channels developed amid his respectable period. On Sunday seventh November 644 A.D., Umar Al-Farooq (Rd) passed away in Madinah from genuine harm dispensed upon him 3 days prior by a dissident whilst he was driving congregational supplications to God. He was covered by the side of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). 

Usman Ibn Affaan (Rd) (eleventh November 644-17 July 656 A.D.) 

'Usman (Rd), the child of Affaan was conceived in Ta'if into the well off Umayyad (Banu Umayya) faction of the Quraysh tribe. 'Usman (Rd) acknowledged Islam at the welcome of Abu Bakr (Rd). After which, he moved to Abyssinia with his wife Ruqayyah (Rd), the little girl of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). They later moved back to Makkah and after that relocated to Madinah. After Ruqayyah passed away, he wedded Umme Kulthum (Rd) , another little girl of the Prophet (SAW). As a result of this, he earned the title Zhun-Nurayn (Man with Two Lights). 'Usman (Rd) was an exceptionally liberal man. He used to spend a considerable measure of cash with a specific end goal to encourage Islam and to free slaves. He realized numerous financial & social changes. 'Usman (Rd) made duplicates of the Sacred Qur'aan from the first and sent it to capitals urban communities, for example, Kufa, Damascus, Makkah and Basrah, each joined by a Qari (Reciter of the Blessed Qur'aan) for the direction of the perusers. In spite of the fact that he was exceptionally rich, his living was extremely straightforward. He didn't enjoy extravagance and was ever aware of death. Real parts of the night were spent In Salaah (petition to God). He additionally fasted consistently or third day. On Friday seventeenth of Dhul Hijjah, in the year 35 A.H, 'Usman Ibn Affaan (Rd) was made Shaheed (martyred) by dissidents, whilst he was perusing the Sacred Qur'aan inside his home. He was 84 years of age and was covered in Jannatul Baqi (memorial park in Madinah). 

Ali ibn Abi Taalibe (Rd) (656 – 661 A.D.) 

Ali (Rd) the child of Abu Taalib, an uncle of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), was conceived in Kufa, Iraq. All (Rd) wedded Faatimah (Rd); the girl of Muhammad (SAW).They had 3 children, Hasan, Husain & Mohsin (Rd) and 2 little girls Zainab and Umm-Kulthum (Rd). He likewise held numerous vital positions of power amid the season of Muhammad (SAW) and the initial 3 Caliphs (Rd). He had awesome adoration for learning and was an incredible and scholarly individual himself. He was given the title of Bab-Ul-Ilm (Entryway of Learning). He was likewise called 'Asaadullah (Lion of Allah). Ali (Rd) exchanged the Islamic capital from Madinah to Kufah in Iraq amid his Khilaafah. He carried on with a straightforward life, rejecting any extravagance sustenances and wore basic garments thinking about poor people. He would mull over the ground and sit on the floor. He would spend his evenings in Salaah (request to God) and would quick for three days consecutively. Trustworthiness, devotion, equity & adoration for the fact of the matter were the fundamental signs of his character. In the early morning of the 24th of January 661 A.D. (nineteenth Ramadhaan), Ibn Muljim wounded All (Rd) with a harmed blade whilst he was headed to the Masjid (Mosque) for Fajr Salaah (morning-petition to God). On January 28th, 661 A.D. (21st of Ramadhan) Ali ibn Abu Taalib (Rd) passed far from the injury matured 63 years of age. He had asked his loved ones to cover him in a mystery area. 

SWT = Celebrated and generally High 

SAW = Might Allah Shower His Kindness and endowments upon Him 

Rd = Allah be satisfied with her 

Rd = Allah be satisfied with