
24 Aug 2015

ISIS Destroyed 2000-Year-Old Roman Era Temple In Palmyra

PALMYRA (Web Work area) – Islamic State aggressors have obliterated Palmyra's old sanctuary of Baalshamin, Syrian authorities and activists say. 
Syria's head of ancient pieces was cited as saying the sanctuary was exploded on Sunday. The English based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that it happened one month prior. 
IS took control of Palmyra in May, starting reasons for alarm the gathering may obliterate the Unesco World Legacy site, BBC reported. 

The gathering has obliterated a few old locales in Iraq. 

IS "set a substantial amount of explosives in the sanctuary of Baalshamin and after that exploded it bringing on much harm to the sanctuary," Syrian ancient pieces boss Maamoun Abdulkarim said. 

Palmyra is extremely popular for its all around safeguarded Greco-Roman ruins. 

As indicated by BBC expressions journalist, the sanctuary constructed about 2,000 years prior was essentially a Roman time ancient rarity. It was devoted to the Phoenician divine force of tempests and fertilising rains.

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