
27 Aug 2015

Israel Air Strike Hits Gaza After Rocket Fire

JERUSALEM (Application) – An Israeli air strike hit a Hamas office in Gaza overnight after Palestinians let go a rocket into southern Israel. 
The armed force said in an announcement early Thursday," accordingly, the Israel Flying corps focused on a Hamas weapon fabricating office situated in the focal Gaza Strip." 

There were no reports of setbacks in either assault. 

The announcement said it was the eighth episode of rocket flame from Gaza since the start of 2015. 

It said that Israel holds the Islamic activist gathering Hamas, the accepted force in Gaza, in charge of all assaults from its region. 

The previous summer, Israel went to war against Hamas with the point of stamping out cross-outskirt rocket and mortar assaults. 

The 50-day struggle killed around 2,200 Palestinians, the greater part of them regular people, and 73 on the Israeli side, for the most part warriors.

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