17 Aug 2015

Ban Ki-Moon Condemns Attock Terrorist Attack

NEW YORK (Staff Report) – The United Countries Secretary-General Boycott Ki Moon has denounced the bomb assault that killed Punjab's Home Pastor Shuja Khanzada and more than twelve other individuals in Shadi Khan town of Attock locale on Sunday. 

As indicated by an announcement issued by his representative, the UN Secretary-General called for conveying to equity those in charge of the wrongdoing. 

The Secretary-General while communicating sensitivities to the individuals and legislature of Pakistan emphasized that nothing legitimizes terrorism. 

Boycott Ki Moon likewise extended his sympathies to the groups of the casualties and wished the harmed an expedient recuperation. 

Then, the European Union has guaranteed proceeded with backing to Pakistan's endeavors to battle terrorism. 

This was expressed by President of the EU in a sympathy message on the suffering of Punjab Home Pastor Shuja Khanzada in a terrorist assault. 

The EU President additionally communicated sympathies and symapthies with the deprived groups of those murdered in the attack.