20 Aug 2015

Pakistani Breaks Guinness World Record

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Taekwondo dark belt Ahmad Amin Bodla has broken the Guinness World Record for most squat pushes in one moment with 40 pounds weight on the back. 
Conversing with Application Bodla said he did 23 reiterations while the past record was 21 by Paddy Douyle of Britain. 

Bodla said it was a significant privilege for him to make records for Pakistan. "I work hard for these exhibitions. I have accomplished a ton of global acknowledgment in the course of the most recent couple of years." he said. 

In any case, Bodla was baffled that in Pakistan you don't get reward for these exercises. 

"The needs of the concerned games powers don't encourage 

competitors other than cricketers," he said.

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