20 Aug 2015

Paulo Coelho Defends Holy Quran As ‘The Book That Changed The World’

SÃO PAULO (Web Work area) – Globally top rated writer Paulo Coelho has freely safeguarded Islam and the heavenly Quran on his authority Facebook page. 
Prior this month, the Brazilian writer posted a picture of the Quran on his Facebook page with the heading 'Presentation "Books that changed the world," which got significant consideration on the informal community, increasing more than 36,000 preferences and more than 3000 shares. 

However one Facebook client, under the name Hiba B Dakkak, remarked "Truly!!! This book is the wellspring of roughness and homicide." 

Coelho answered to that, saying "Not genuine. I am Christian, and for quite a long time we attempted to force our religion by the power of the sword – check "cruzades" in the lexicon" with regards to Islam "We killed ladies – calling them witches, and we attempted to stop science – like on account of Galileu Galilei. In this way, it is not to accuse a religion, but rather how individuals control it." 

His answer to the remark got more than 5,000 preferences on Facebook. 

For all the author’s Pakistani fans, he even wished everyone in the country a Happy Independence Day.
Exhibition “Books that changed the world”
Posted by Paulo Coelhoon Saturday, August 8, 2015

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