The arrangement is said to be pegged at an incredible Rs 30 crore. The level is on the 29th floor of the 53-story skyscraping property which has been allowed the Occupation Testament and is prepared for ownership. Sharma's ocean confronting level offers a 270-degree stunning perspective of the Bandra-Worli Ocean Join.
The property's area is said to have pulled in the cricketer. While it takes around 20 minutes from Worli to the Wankhede by street, it's a practically comparable time allotment to achieve the air terminal because of the close-by ocean join.
It is learnt that the towers are loaded with luxuries like an attendant service, gourmet expert on interest, business range, swimming pool, snooker room, yoga room, salon and spa, children play region, gym, scaled down theater, sky bistro and stogie room spread over four levels.
A representative of Ahuja Developments affirmed the arrangement saying: "It's a joy to have India's cricket symbol as one of our star residents.”