18 Aug 2015

Who Was Driving Tanks In Turkey 14 Million Years Ago? Scientists Baffled

MOSCOW (Web Work area) – A Russian geologist has guaranteed that an antiquated civilization drove titan off-road vehicles crosswise over Earth a huge number of years prior – and that the tracks are still noticeable today.
Geologist Dr Alexander Koltypin trusts that strange depression like markings in the Phrygian Valley of focal Turkey were made by a wise race somewhere around 12 and 14 million years prior, the Every day Mail reported. 

"We can assume that antiquated vehicles on wheels were drove on delicate soil, perhaps a wet surface," he said. 

"Such cases are surely understood to geologists, for instance, the foot shaped impressions of dinosaurs were 'actually safeguarded' in a comparative manner." 

Dr Koltypin, chief of the Normal Science Experimental Exploration Center at Moscow's Global Free Biological Political College has quite recently come back from a field trek to the site in Anatolia with three associates. 

He depicted the markings as 'petrified following grooves in rough tuffaceous [made from compacted volcanic ash] stores'. 

He said: "All these rough fields were secured with the grooves left a few a large number of years prior… .we are not discussing people." 

The scholarly said: "We are managing some sort of autos or off-road vehicles. 

"The sets of grooves are crossing one another every once in a while and a few trenches are more profound than the others." 

As per his perceptions, "the perspective of the trenches leaves undoubtedly they are old, in a few places the surface experienced weathering, breaks are seen here". 

The age of the grooves is somewhere around 12 and 14 million years of age, he accepts. 

"The procedure of indicating the time of volcanic rocks is exceptionally all around concentrated on and worked out," he said. "As a geologist, I can absolutely let you know that obscure antediluvian [pre-Biblical] off-road vehicles drove around Focal Turkey some 12-to-14 million years back." 

He asserts archeologists 'abstain from touching this matter' on the grounds that it will 'demolish all their fantastic speculations'. 

He said: "I think we are seeing the indications of the civilisation which existed before the exemplary making of this world. Perhaps the animals of that pre-civilisation were not care for present day individuals." 

He guaranteed the antiquated 'auto tracks' are one of various pieces of information 'which demonstrate the presence of old civilisations' however which are regularly overlooked by standard researchers. 

There was no conceivable framework for the tracks yet the separation between every pair of tracks 'is dependably the same,' he said. 

He included that the separation all that much fits that between the wheels of cutting edge autos, yet the tracks are too profound throughout today's vehicles. 

"The most extreme profundity of a trench speaks the truth three feet (one meter). On the sides of trenches there can be seen level scratches, it would seem that they were left by the finishes of the axles utilized for antiquated wheels. 

"We discovered numerous grooves with such scratches," he said. 

Koltypin moved on from the Russian State Geographical Prospecting College and finished further learns at the Organization of Oceanology at the Russian Institute of Sciences. 

All the more as of late he has composed books on prominent science mysteries.