
4 Jul 2015

How To pray Taraweeh Namaz

What is Taraweeh prayer?
The Taraweeh Supplication to God is an accentuated Sunnah of the Delivery person of Allah( peace be upon him ) amid the month of Ramadan. 
Both al-Bukhaari (1129) and Muslim (761) described from 'Aisha (might Allah be satisfied with her) that the Detachment of Allah (peace and gifts of Allah be upon him) implored one night in the mosque, and the individuals tailed him in petition to God.
At that point he asked the following night, and numerous individuals came. At that point they assembled on the third or fourth night, and the Courier of Allah (peace and gifts of Allah be upon him) didn't turn out to them. The following morning he said: "I saw what you did, and nothing kept me from turning out to you with the exception of the way that I expected that it would be made compulsory for you." And that was in Ramadan 

These hadith demonstrate that imploring Taraweeh in gathering is endorsed in the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him). Umar (R.A) his Khilafah restablished this Sunnah of petition to God in assemblage. 

It was described in al-Saheehayn from 'Aisha (might Allah be satisfied with her) that the Emissary of Allah (peace and gifts of Allah be upon him) would swear off doing something that he jumped at the chance to do or the individuals do it and it get to be compulsory upon them. (Described by al-Bukhaari, 1060; Muslim, Salaat al-Musaafireen, 1174). 

al-Bukhaari (2010) portrayed that 'Abd al-Rahmaan ibn 'Abd al-Qaari said: I went out with 'Umar ibn al-Khattaab (might Allah be satisfied with him) to the mosque one night in Ramadan, and the individuals were scattered, every man begging independent from anyone else. A few men would ask and have gatherings of individuals behind them tailing them. 'Umar(R.A) said: "I feel that on the off chance that I unite every one of these individuals with one peruser, it will be better. At that point he set out to accumulate them behind Ubayy ibn Ka'b. 

al-Haafiz said: Ibn al-High schooler and others said that 'Umar (R.A)construct this choice with respect to the Prophet's(S.A.W) endorsement of the individuals who begged with him on those evenings. Despite the fact that he detested that for them, that was taking into account the apprehension that it may be made required for them. At the point when the Prophet (peace and gifts of Allah be upon him) passed on, there was no more any trepidation of that event, and 'Umar(R.A) thought, on account of the potential division that may emerge from individuals supplicating independently, and in light of the fact that uniting them behind one peruser is additionally propelling for some individuals. The greater part concurred with 'Umar's choice. End cite from Fath al-Baari.
Difference between taraweeh and tahajjud prayer.
Both petitions to God are the same they are both named piece of qiyaam al-layl. 

However the Qiyaam al-layl amid Ramadaan is called Taraaweeh in light of the fact that the Salaf used to rest (istaraahu) after every two or four rak'ahs, 

since they made their petitions to God long to benefit as much as possible from this season of extraordinary prize.
The virtues Of Taraweeh prayer.
Abu Hurayrah said: Allah's Delegate (peace be upon him) said "He who asks amid the night in Ramadan with confidence and looking for his prize from Allah will have his past sins overlooked" (Settled Upon) 

The Larger part of researchers say that by every one of his pasts sins it implies his minor sin not real sins if the individual stand every one of the evenings of Ramadan in petition to God and not only a couple of evenings . The researchers say all together for real sins to be forgotten a man is obliged to make true toba (genuine atonement) 

Abu Dharr (might Allah be satisfied with him) said: The Detachment of Allah (peace and gifts of Allah be upon him) said: "Whoever remains with the Imam until he completes, it is comparable to spending the entire night in petition to God." 

Described by al-Tirmidhi, 806; Abu Dawood, 1375; al-Nasaa'i, 1605; Ibn Maajah, 1327. Classed right now al-Tirmidhi, Ibn Khuzaymah (3/337), Ibn Hibbaan (3/340) and al-Albaani in Irwa' al-Ghaleel, 447.
How to pray taraweeh prayer.
Time for taraweeh prayer.
The time for Taraweeh petition to God is in the middle of Isha and Fajr. By and large amid Ramadan the taraweeh request to God is supplicated after the Isha supplication to God in the Masjids in assemblage.
How performed taraweeh prayer.
The number of rakats.
There are two feelings regarding what number of rakkahs ought to be asked. One conclusion says that it ought to be 8 rakkahs took after by three rakkahs of witr. The verification of which are the accompanying hadiths 

This confirmation is hadith of Abu Salamah ibn 'Abd al-Rahmaan, who asked 'Aisha (might Allah be satisfied with her), "How did the Courier of Allah (peace and endowments of Allah be upon him) ask amid Ramadan?" She said: "He didn't supplicate more than eleven rak'ahs in Ramadan or at different times. He would beg four, and don't ask how wonderful and long they were, then he would ask four, and don't ask how lovely and long they were, then he would implore three. I said, 'O Delivery person of Allah, will you rest before you supplicate Witr?' He said, 'O 'Aa'ishah, my eyes rest yet my heart does not.'" (Described by al-Bukhaari, 1909; Muslim, 738 ) 

'Aa'ishah (might Allah be satisfied with her) said: The Prophet (peace and endowments of Allah be upon him) used to beg eleven rak'ahs during the evening, and say the tasleem after every two rak'ahs, and he would beg Witr with one rak'ah. Saheeh, (settled upon) 

In the matter of whether to beg 4 rakahs or 2 rakahs by 2 rakah. Researchers say that it ought to be 2 by 2 on the grounds that there is a hadith of Ibn 'Umar as indicated by which a man solicited the Emissary from Allah (peace and endowments of Allah be upon him) about petition to God around evening time. The Prophet (peace and endowments of Allah be upon him) said: "Requests to God around evening time are to be offered two by (two rakahs at once). In the event that any of you apprehensions that the season of day break is drawing nearer then give him a chance to beg one rak'ah as Witr." (Described by al-Bukhaari, 846; Muslim, 749) 

To clarify the above hadiths the researchers have said that the hadith does not mean 4 with only one tasleem but instead 2 then tasleem and afterward two again and afterward tasleem and Allah knows best. 

A few researchers settled on an alternate number of rakahs Imam Ahmad, Imam Abu Haneefah and Imam al-Shaafa'i said one ought to supplicate 20 rather than 8. Imam Maalik said it is thirty-six. However there is no genuine hadith to bolster 20 , 36 or boundless number.
What is recited in the taraweeh prayer.
So now that we have decided how the season of the Taraweeh petition to God and the quantity of rakahs. Give us a chance to take a gander at how it is really request to God. 

The Tarawi petition to God is implored two rakahs at once and the request to God is an uproarious begged as opposed to a truly supplication to God. 

So you beg 2 rakahs and afterward another 2 rakahs and after that another 2 rakahs and after that another 2 rakahs and after that at long last 3 rakahs of witr supplication to God. 

On the off chance that you have retained the entire Quran then subsequent to recounting Surah Fathiha in the first rakah of the first Taraweeh Supplication to God you ought to begin presenting the start of the secound Surah of the Quran called Surah Baqarah. You can present the amount you need contingent upon your stamina. At that point in the secound rakah, after you have discussed Surah Fathiha, you ought to continue your recitation of the Quran from were you finished in the past rakah. So in each rakah you begin your Quranic recitation from were finished in the past rakah. After the end of the 8 rakahs of Taraweeh you ought to make a note of were you completed of your recitation of the Quran on the off chance that you overlook. So the following day you start your recitation from were you completed your recitation the earlier day. Before the end of Ramadan you will presumably have recounted the entire of the Quran. 

Most Masjids have Imams who have retained the entire Quran. They will discuss it in the taraweeh petitions to God and before the end of Ramadan the assemblage will have listened to the recitation of the entire Quran. 

On the off chance that you are imploring at home however have not remembered the entire Quran, then you recount what you have retained of the Quran in the 8 rakahs and afterward supplicate 3 witr. 

There is no situated restrain in the matter of the amount Quran is discussed in every night of the tarawi petitions to God 

The Prophet peace be upon him recitation used to shift, once in a while it would be long, at different times short. Some of the time in every rakah he would discuss what might as well be called 'Yaa ayyuha'l-muzammil, which is twenty aayaat; here and there he would present what might as well be called fifty aayaat. He used to say, "Whoever implores during the evening and peruses one hundred aayaat won't be recorded presently the careless." As indicated by another hadeeth: "… and peruses two hundred aayaat, will be recorded at this very moment the dedicated and earnest devotees." 

When he was wiped out, the Prophet (peace and gifts of Allah be upon him) presented the seven long soorahs in his night supplications to God, i.e., al-Baqarah, Aal 'Imraan, al-Nisaa', al-Maa'idah, al-An'aam, al-A'raaf and al-Tawbah. 

In the record of Hudhayfah ibn al-Yamaan begging behind the Prophet (peace and gifts of Allah be upon him), in one rakah he recounted al-Baqarah, al-Nisa' and Aal 'Imraan, and he presented them in a moderate and measured tone. It is demonstrated with the soundest (most saheeh) of isnaads that when 'Umar (might Allah be satisfied with him) delegated Ubayy ibn Ka'b to lead the individuals in imploring eleven rakahs in Ramadan, Ubayy used to present aayaat by the hundreds, so that the individuals behind him would be inclining toward sticks on the grounds that the petitions to God were so long, and they didn't complete until just before Fajr. 

It is additionally reported in a saheeh account that 'Umar(R.A) called the perusers amid Ramadan, and advised the quickest of them to present thirty aayaat, the moderate ones to discuss a quarter century, and the slowest ones to recount twenty aayaa.