
5 Jul 2015

How To Pray Namaz On Chair

Its very serious issue That How to pray namaz on chair.Here in the post we explain you all detail about how to pray namaz for unfit,ill and handicapped persons.
Firstly, we think it is more fitting to characteristic the increment in the quantity of individuals performing supplications to God by sitting on seats today contrasted with the individuals in the past to the cognizance of the individuals about requests to God. 
Having great musings about others fits us and is sufficient for us. We ought not surmise that anyone will incline toward sitting on a seat keeping in mind the end goal to perform a request to God effectively when he is sound and when he can perform a petition to God appropriately. It is important to expound on the conditions of reason making it allowable to perform requests to God sitting on a seat. 

There are six columns in a petition to God. That is, there are six principle demonstrations that shape a petition to God. There are standards of performing these six demonstrations legitimately (ta'dil al-arkan). These demonstrations get to be columns through those standards. Starting here of perspective, to comply with those principles is fard as per Shafii and Maliki madhhabs and Imam Abu Yusuf, one of the imams of Hanafi madhhab; it is wajib as per Abu Hanifa and Imam Muhammad. These columns and the demonstrations in them (ta'dil al-arkan) can't be disregarded subjectively. In the event that they are overlooked, the request to God will be hurt. To put it all the more plainly, if even one of those six columns is missing, or in the event that it is not performed appropriately, it won't be known as a petition to God. 

On the off chance that there is a column or ta'dil al-arkan that one is excessively feeble, making it impossible to do, the need to do it is exempted. All things considered, that individual needs to do the demonstrations that he can and attempt to act as per ta'dil al-arkan as much at this very moment. For, the accompanying is a clear guideline of the Quran: "On no spirit doth Allah place a weight more prominent than it can hold up under!" (al-Baqara, 2/286) Our religion does not request anything that isn't possible. 

Imran Ibn Husayn, one of the Sidekicks, describes: "I was experiencing hemorrhoids. I asked the Prophet (pbuh) how I should perform petitions to God. He said, 

'Perform your supplications to God standing. In the event that you can't perform standing, sit. On the off chance that you can't perform sitting, rests on your side.'" In the portrayal of the hadith in Nasai, the accompanying expansion exists: "In the event that you can't perform by resting on your side, lie on your back. Allah does not put anyone a weight more noteworthy than he can hold up under." (Bukhari, Taqsir, 19; Tirmidhi, Mawaqit, 157; Abu Dawud, Salat, 175; Zaylai, Nasbu'r-Raya, II, 175) 

Concerning the issue of how to sit in the request to God, as indicated by Hanafis, a man needs to sit right now sitting (tashahhud). On the off chance that he can't sit like that, he can sit presently. As per Malikis, it is mandub for him to sit leg over leg with the exception of in surrender and tashahhud. As per Hanbalis, it is sunnah for him to sit with folded legs aside from in bowing down (ruku) and tashahhud. It is additionally allowable for him to sit presently. As indicated by Shafiis, it is sunnah for a man who performs supplications to God sitting to sit by spreading his feet under his body with the exception of in surrender and tashahhud. A man who can't sit like that can sit as he wishes as per the four madhhabs. 

On the off chance that a man who performs requests to God sitting can bow down and prostrate, he needs to do them however in the event that he can't do them, he performs them through motions. On the off chance that a man who performs petitions to God sitting can bow down and prostrate, he needs to bow down and prostrate; if not, he needs to utilize his motions. All things considered, the motion for surrender should be more disposed than the signal for bowing down; it is wajib to do as such. A man who can stand yet can't bow down and prostrate needs to utilize his motions while remaining for bowing down and surrender. All things considered, it is important to bow more for the sajda than ruku. 

Standing is not compulsory in supererogatory requests to God. Nonetheless, it is important for a man who can do them to do them. For, there exists the guideline of straightforwardness and resistance in supererogatory petitions to God since they are plentiful. The same straightforwardness is being referred to for the evil individuals who can't remain in both fard and supererogatory supplications to God. 

Islamic fiqh researchers collectively concur that the individuals who are too sick to remain in petitions to God don't need to stand. The confirmation of it is the hadith reported by Imran b. Husayn we have said above. On the off chance that a man can perform qira'ah (perusing the Quran) by standing regardless of the fact that it is one verse, he needs to stand sufficiently long to peruse it. 

The individuals who perform requests to God sitting need to perform ruku and sajda to the degree that they can. In the event that it is impractical for a man to twist or on the off chance that it is destructive for him, he needs to motion by his head. While motioning, it is important to twist the head some more for surrender than bowing down. Therefore, it gets to be conceivable to separate between them. 

It is redundant for a man who can't twist completely in ruku and sajda or a man who performs requests to God by signals with his head to place something high before him. Actually, it was taboo by a hadith. As indicated by a portrayal by Jabir b. Abdillah, Hz. Prophet (S.A.W) went to see an evil individual; when he saw him attempting to prostrate on a pad he put before him, the Prophet evacuated the pad and said, "In the event that you can, perform requests to God on the ground. On the off chance that it is unrealistic, perform supplications to God by motions. Twist some more in sajda than ruku." (Zaylai, in the same place, 2/175 ff) 

On the off chance that an evil individual can't sit, he needs to lie on his back, make his feet confront the qiblah and signal for ruku and sajda. It is likewise admissible in the event that he lies on his side by confronting the qiblah and perform petitions to God by motioning. 

As indicated by most of the Islamic fiqh researchers, a man who can't motion by his head needs to signal by his eyes; on the off chance that he can't do it by his head and eyes, he needs to do it by his heart. He can't relinquish requests to God on the off chance that he is normal. 

Taking everything into account, the farthest point for the simplicity for an evil individual with respect to requests to God is motioning by the head as per Hanafis, by the eye or aim as indicated by Malikis, and taking after the parts of the supplication to God by the heart as per Shafiis and Hanbalis

With respect to the utilization of a seat, the accompanying alternatives can be offered to the evil individuals: 

1. In the event that a man who can't perform ta'dil al-arkan while standing and bowing down can perform ta'dil al-arkan in surrender and tashahhud, he is not permitted to sit for surrender and tashahhud. This individual can utilize a seat as a backing for standing and/or bowing down. On the other hand, it is fard for him to perform ta'dil al-arkan in surrender and tashahhud. 

2. . In the event that a man who can perform ta'dil al-arkan while standing and bowing down however can't perform ta'dil al-arkan in surrender and tashahhud, he needs to prostrate in the event that he can by extending his legs or some other way. He can sit by moving in the direction of the qiblah at this very moment. In the event that he can't touch the ground/floor with his brow, he can perform surrender and tashahhud right now (by sitting or lying). 

3. A man can utilize a seat as a backing for any of the six mainstays of request to God that he can't perform ta'dil al-arkan without a seat. He is not permitted to utilize a seat for alternate columns that he can perform ta'dil al-arkan without a seat. 

4. On the off chance that a man is too sick and old to perform supplications to God without inclining toward some place, he can perform requests to God by inclining. It is makruh for a man to incline in the event that he can perform requests to God without inclining. 

5. Circumstances like the ground being sloppy, the train not sitting tight for a man, the stallion, camel, and so on being testy and hard to control when one descent can be utilized as a reason to perform a request to God on horseback, camelback, and so on. Starting here of perspective, it can be said that a man who experiences issues in sitting or standing can perform his supplications to God by sitting on a seat. 

6. To have significant serenity while asking is likewise essential. In the event that a man endures when he performs a request to God sitting and in the event that he feels good on a seat, he can perform requests to God by sitting on a seat. 

Note: The declaration of the Turkish Directorate of the Religious Undertakings viewing the issue is at this very moment: 

Petition to God is a sort of love in which a man approaches Allah the most. Because of this quality, the Prophet (S.A.W) characterizes petition to God presently deed (Ibn Majah, Taharah, 4) and states that the first thing man will be addressed about Upon the arrival of Judgment is request to God. (Tirmidhi, Salat, 188) In this manner, a man is not permitted to relinquish requests to God and he is requested to perform supplications to God regardless of the possibility that by motions. Hz. Prophet (pbuh) said, "Allah's security will be far from a man who forsakes performing petitions to God intentionally." (Ahmad b. Hanbal, Musnad, VI. 421) 

The mainstays of request to God are expressed in the Quran and Sunnah; the Prophet (S.A.W) himself clarified orally and basically how to perform requests to God. Those columns are the takbir of iftitah (opening), standing, qira'ah (perusing the Quran), bowing down (ruku), surrender (sajda) and the last sitting. Allah said, "Remain before Allah in a dedicated (attitude)" (al-Baqara, 2/238) "O ye who accept! Bow down, prostrate yourselves, and venerate your Master; and do great; that ye may thrive." (al-Hajj, 22/77) Hz. Prophet (pbuh) taught a Partner how to supplicate and demonstrated to do tashahhud toward the end; he said, "When you do this, your request to God will be finished." (Tirmidhi, Abwabu's-Salat, 226) 

In the event that one of those columns is overlooked with no reason, the request to God won't be legitimate. In any case, in our religion, obligations are resolved in light of the force of a man (al-Baqara, 2/286); the guideline of effortlessness is presented for the circumstances that a man can't adapt to (al-Baqara, 2/185). The issue that keep a man from performing any of the mainstays of the petition to God are viewed at this very moment. 

As needs be, a man who can't perform petitions to God legitimately by standing can perform them by sitting. Such a man can perform requests to God by bowing down, sitting leg over leg or extending his legs toward the qiblah in light of his state. At the point when a Sidekick who was badly asked the Prophet (pbuh) how to perform supplications to God, he said, "Perform requests to God standing. In the event that you can't perform them standing, sit or rests on your side." (Bukhari, Taqsiru's-Salat, 19)
A man who can stand and can sit yet who can't prostrate needs to begin request to God standing, sit after ruku and prostrate by motions. 

A man who can stand however can't stand up subsequent to sitting begins supplication to God standing and finishes his request to God sitting in the wake of prostrating. 

A man who can stand and can perform ruku however can't sit begins supplication to God remaining; after ruku, he performs surrender by signals by sitting on a stool or something to that effect. 

A man who can't stand and can't sit on the ground/floor sits on a stool, seat, and so forth and performs ruku and sajda by signals. 

At the point when a man loves his Ruler, he ought to be earnest and attempt to satisfy the formal conditions controlled by the religion. He ought to be mindful of the way that he will be considered dependable as a result of the absence of endeavors and affectability. Hence, the reasons an adherent makes so as to perform petitions to God on a seat, stool, and so forth ought to induce his still, small voice. Slight real issue that won't avoid performing requests to God legitimately ought not be set forward right now. 

Then again, to perform petitions to God on seats in mosques with no obligatory and religiously satisfactory reasons causes an offensive appearance in mosques and prompts squabbles among the gathering. Setting settled seats and seats in mosques with the reason for performing petitions to God does not consent to the atmosphere and society of mosques. In this way, it is more proper for the individuals who have a few ailments and reasons to perform their requests to God by sitting on the ground/floor than on a seat, stool, and so forth.