
9 Jul 2015

How To Perform Wudu Or Ablution

Before we perform Salah we should first set ourselves up. This arrangement incorporates verifying that we are spotless from any physical polluting influences and performing Wudu
Wudu (bathing) is needed for performing Salah. We can't offer our Salah without first making Wudu. Here are the progressions to take: 
1. To start with, make the Niyyah (goal) in your heart that this demonstration of Wudu is with the end goal of get ready for Salah, and say: "Bismillah" (for the sake of Allah). 
2. Wash both hands up to the wrists (beginning with the right hand) three times, verifying that water has come to between the fingers. 

3. Bring water with your right hand, place it into your mouth and flush altogether three times. 

4. Bring water with your right hand, sprinkle it into your nose and blow it out three times. (Utilize the left hand if important to bail blow it out). 

5. Wash your entire face three times more than once. (The entire face incorporates: the right ear to one side ear, and the temple to the base of the button). 

6. Wash the right arm altogether from wrist to elbow three times, and verify that no some piece of the arm has been left unwashed. Rehash with the left arm. 

7. Move the palms of the wet hands softly over the head, beginning from the highest point of the temple to the back of the head, and ignoring both hands the back of the head to the neck, and after that taking them back to the brow. 

8. With the same water, rub the scores and gaps of both ears with the wet forefingers, while additionally passing the wet thumbs behind the ears from the base upward. 

9. At last, wash both feet to the lower legs three times, beginning with the right foot. Verify that water has come to between the toes and secured whatever is left of the foot. 

Toward the end of the above steps present: "Ashhadu alla ilaha illallahu, wa cinder hadu anna muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluhu." 

"أشهد أن لا إ له إلا الله وحده لا شريك له، 

و أشهد أن محمدا عبده و رسوله" 

This implies:
“I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah alone, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and His messenger.”
What Nullifies Wudu?
1.          Natural discharges: urine, stool, gas, etc.
2.          Falling asleep.
3.          Unconsciousness of any kind.
Note: If you put on your socks, shoes, or sandals (only those that cover most of the foot) while you have a valid Wudu, it is not necessary to take them off every time you need to renew your Wudu.  You can leave them on and wipe the top of each covered foot once with wet hands in place of washing the entire foot. You may do this up to twenty-four hours, or for three days if you are on travel.
For more information please see and read the given image.